Monthly Archives: January 2007

If You Say So

[of K]

P: according to Wes, you are only good for heartbreak… and WET DREAMS!


[of the superfans]

K: I admire them and respect them as human beings and dedicated collegiate men.

Exotic AND Holy

K: I speak with impramatur and with a Latin accent.

And when I say “Latin”, I mean “Spanish or Portuguese” … because hey, my Latin is dead.


Doing Our Best

P: Is it wierd when he’s around?
K: No, I’m not sure whether it’s a significant effort on his part, or if he is genuinely that cool.
P: No, he’s a total creeper.
K: He’s a creeper around you! You bring out the best in everyone.

It Was More Than Any Laws Allow

[talking about what K should expect in the future]

P: When you get married, there will be nights when only you will be pleasured.

Oh Darn

J: I would kick her in the face.
B: I would kick her in the neck. Repeatedly.
J: With a knife!
K: Hitting someone with a knife is called stabbing.
J: I always get those confused!

Is it a bird? Is it a plane?

J: Seriously, what’s the red eye?
C: It’s a flight that’s late at night, and when it’s over people are tired.
J: For real?
C: No. It’s really a plane ride where people smoke pot the whole time.


J: I hate the word “hibernate”.
Everyone: WHAT?!
J: “Hibernate” means I didn’t charge my f-ing computer and I have to go get my damn AC adaptor. Also it reminds me of bears. They’re like, ten times bigger than I am, and their quick. If I’m menstruating and a bears around, I’m in trouble.

Hot x Infinity

K: It’s just my personal opinion, but I think you would look extra classy with your leg amputated.

Forget Dr. Dre

K: God is going to strike you down with a child JUST LIKE YOU!

Pretty much you’re just jealous that your 401k doesn’t include a 4-legged transportation animal with a chronic illness.

In my expert opinion, and with the help of the Hypochondriac Manual, I have diagnosed you with a new illness. Forget ADHD. You’ve got . . . (dun dun dunnnn)


It explains your incredible sense of humor, your hyperactivity, your general assholery, your fascination with ponies, and your inibility to be anywhere on time.

I’ll write you a perscription for Diet Pepsi.
Use as needed.

Yep, She’s Catholic

J: ME! Struggling to be abstinent?! NEVER!

Hump Day

[organizing J’s computer files]
K: Hey Jenny, do you want to keep this porno?
J: What, ‘Arab Chicks and Irish Guys’? Yeah, I want that.
K: Alright. I’ll put it in your Movies folder.

The Showerhead is Handheld

[passing the bathroom]

J: I just finished.
P: So now you’re putting your fingers in your mouth?!

Oh, catholics.

On My Speed Dial

J.O.O: Call 1-800-GET-CUT-SON!

Oh, Communications Majors

S: You know . . . that party game, the one that young college students like to play . . .

you know . . . milkpong.


[Loudly, in a public place]

B: I just KNOW that you want to have sweet, calm, respectable sex with him.

K: Well, fuck you very much. Now everyone is going to be all confused about whom I lust after.

Future = Bright

K: I think I’ve got next semester all figured out.

I’m probably going to take:
Gangbang 101,
Freebasing Tutorial,
and Oral Sex Workshop.

Also, an Earth Sciences for my core credits.

No, Really. She’s RP.

B: Thank you God for ridding our fine country of slavery; and the world of Nazi terrorism . . . and thank you dear Lord, also, for the Backstreet Boys.

Where’s Sally Wiggin When You Need Her?

[dorm room door bangs open, creating a LARGER hole in K’s wall, if that’s possible]


[door slams closed]

Always Economic

B: I’m going to commit suicide. You might want to show up as I’m doing it so that your tuition will be taken care of.

K: No problem, but I have class at 6:30.